Day of Action Puts Recruits on the Frontlines

This weekend, people of all ages concerned about preborn babies converged on Columbus, OH for Created Equal’s Day of Action! This year, we had so many participants we had to rent a bus to ferry them around the city for outreach events. Check out our team photo below! Video: Day of Action 2021 Here’s what […]

Know To Defend: Top 3 Pro-Choice Arguments in 3 Minutes

It can be hard to stand alone outside an abortion facility, pleading with parents not to kill their children. It can be intimidating walking onto a college campus to reach hearts and change minds on abortion. To be a defender, then, you must have courage—courage to do what is right even if you’re standing alone. […]

One Truth Will Help You Keep Your Cool

We recently released what might look like just another frontlines conversation video: respectful Created Equal intern talking with a passerby about abortion. But what struck us were some of the comments posted on the video: “Best respectful conservation ever instead of just name calling.” – Bryan Mills “I really appreciate how respectful this conversation was […]

“Abortion saves kids!”

We oppose abortion because it purposefully kills innocent children. But have you ever heard someone say abortion actually saves kids? This is one of those objections that is just so strange, you have to hear it to believe it. That’s why you should check out the video below. It features frontline GoPro footage where a […]

“It’s the mother’s choice.” How Should You Respond?

Our team tests the pro-life case in the laboratory of real conversations. That’s why our videos are of normal people having normal dialogue. It’s also why you can be confident that arguments featured in our clips are real ones people are making today. Here’s one of the most common: “It should be up to the […]