“I Saw True Change…”

In 2010, a few months before Mark Harrington and Seth Drayer would launch Created Equal, I attended a training and outreach event that they hosted at Indiana-Purdue University Fort Wayne. During the training, they showed a short clip from the movie Schindler’s List where Oscar Schindler was lamenting the money and time he wasted when […]

Perseverance Through Discouragement

When I look at the abortion numbers, the movement of the culture, and the apathy of people I meet on outreach, it is easy for me to become discouraged. I spend a large part of outreach talking with people who are either blinded by lies or completely apathetic towards the legal killing of the unborn. […]

Difficult Days

Over these past few years of working at Created Equal, I’ve had my fair share of difficult days. Days where nothing seems to go right, days where I seem to only talk to mean people, days where I contemplate giving up. On those days I consider what else I could be doing. Maybe I would […]

My Craziest Outreach Experience

The saying, “No one is really pro-abortion or loves abortion” is false. When I was at Butler University in fall of 2020, our team was greeted with some of the most vulgar and hateful protestors I have ever witnessed. Students there gathered in a huge protest with signs and took a baby doll, drew blood […]

From Abortion to the Gospel

How do you make the transition from a conversation about abortion to a conversation about the Gospel? Though it might be uncomfortable (it is for me, at least), it’s not as big of a leap as you might think. Here are three simple ways to effectively make that transition: Ask the question “Why is human […]